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Fish Monkey How To Slow Pitch Jigging

Fish Monkey How To Slow Pitch Jigging

Fish Monkey How-To: Slow-Pitch Jigging


If you’ve not yet been introduced to this wildly popular fishing technique, let’s take a closer look into what makes slow-pitch jigging such a popular technique for a very wide variety of saltwater species.


Unlike speed jigging, which is meant to imitate a fleeing baitfish and incite attacks from faster pelagic species, slow-pitch jigging imitates a wounded or dying baitfish. A falling jig shimmies and darts, bobs and weaves, covering a wider area than a conventional jig when simply drops straight down through the water column. This action draws strikes not only from fast-swimming pelagics like tuna and wahoo, but from slower-moving bottom-dwellers such as grouper and snapper which are most commonly caught on bait. It can also trigger strikes from fish that are in a negative feeding mode or ones that aren’t willing to swim through the water column to attack a bait.


A slow-pitch jig is center-weighted and keeled, designed to flutter, dart, spiral, vibrate, or glide as it falls on a fully slack line. In free-fall, a slow pitch jig kicks horizontally, falling in a way that imitates a wounded or dying baitfish. They often have multiple “assist hooks” at either end.


To get the best action out of these jigs requires the proper rod, which is extremely lightweight and very tough, looking more like a largemouth bass rod than one capable of beating a stout tuna.Most slow-pitch rods are built without a foregrip; the action of a slow-pitch rod is designed to work the jig, not fight the fish. Reels are compact and powerful conventional ones, often narrow-spooled, or spinning reels that have a good balance of cranking power and a fast retrieval rate. Heavy cranking power is especially important for beating the fish while using a rod that provides relatively little backbone during the fight. Braided line is the third component—with its excellent sensitivity and zero stretch, it allows the angler to maintain a feel for the jig as it falls.


The angler can also greatly benefit from a good pair of gloves. Fish Monkey’s Free Style glove fits the bill perfectly. With its lightly padded palms and second-skin fit, with ultra-lightweight moisture-wicking fabric, it provides the ultimate in comfort as well as excellent hand protection. By reducing hand and arm fatigue, slow-pitch jigging becomes even more comfortable. And there’s also no need to worry about cuts from braided line, either, from cinching down knots or wrapping the braid around your hand to boat a fish. These gloves offer UPF 50-plus sun protection, too. And for those who prefer to trim the fingertips to allow them to tie knots or manipulate swivels, the Free Style is designed to be customized without worry that the glove will fray or split at the ends. 


All day comfort. Excellent protection for your hands, from braided line, sharp gill plates and even the damaging rays of the sun. Fully customizable fingertips. And some great colors and patterns to boot. All add up to one great glove for your next slow-pitch jigging adventure. Check out all of Fish Monkey’s great glove styles here.

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